Meeting Announcement

Our next meetings are Tuesday 20 Nov. and 18 Dec. at 7 pm. We will be accepting nominations for Club Officers for 2019. There will be food served at the November meeting. State rules for feeders have changed. You may set a feeder at any distance from your stand. Feeders must be 100 yards away from any property lines. Dues for 19/20 will be $400, or $200 for those over 70 with 5 consecutive year’s membership. There is a $50 work day fee if you have not done a work day. Out of area members are bound by this fee also. The secretary, Chap Browne, will start accepting dues in January.

The new 2019 rules are in the library section.

2018 Deer Season Starts

October 1 marked the beginning of the 2018 / 2019 deer season. It started with Archery only until November 16. Remember it’s either sex during Archery season. Size and limits are the club size and limits. You can head over to the Library tab to download that and more.

Reminder that the shooting range is only open from 10:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon.

RULES 1819



Supplemental Feeding Change

MDWFP has announced a change in supplemental feeding rules. The club will abide by the State rules regarding supplemental feeding.



  • Feeders may be located within ANY distance from a stand.
  • Feeders CAN NOT be located within 100 yards of a border or property line.
  • Feeders must be above ground. No dumping feed on ground
  • Supplemental feeding is PROHIBITED from 1 March to the end of Turkey season.

Look in the links section for the link to the supplemental feeding regulation.

September Announcements

22 Sep. is our last scheduled work day this year. A member may contact a Board member and request a task to earn workday credit at any time.

Changes about badges; Badges will remain at Camp house till picked up. They will not be mailed out this year.

Big Buck Winners

Let’s all congratulate Brandon and Carson Thompson, they took 2nd and 3rd place in Youth Big Buck contest.

First place youth is Blake Ward. ( That’s him in the middle flanked by Fred Ellis  and Ron Loveday) .

And  Robert Ellis took the top adult spot.

April Posts

Our next and last meeting for the summer is Tuesday 17 Apr at 7 pm. There has been a motion made to allow choice of harvest reporting to be done by email or weigh-in station. Come voice your opinion.

Saturday 21 Apr. is a Work Day. We will be working on the Shooting Range and checking some gates and locks.This is where we need some of the younger members.

If you know of something that needs our attention, please email me and we can get it fixed.

[email protected]

Winners of the Big Buck contest were:

1st. Robert Ellis       2nd. Wesley Box            3rd. Haig Butler

Youth 1st. Blake Ward        Carson Thompson          3rd. Brandon Thompson

Darla Turan, Wife of El Turan recently passed away. Please include the Turan family in your Prayers.

March Meeting

During the March meeting we will be reviewing the rules. This is where you get input on any rule change you may want. Be sure and wear your badge. Meeting will be at the camp house at 7:00 pm on March 20.

March 24 will be a work day. Meeting will be that Saturday morning at 8:00 am at the camp house. Bring work gloves, eye protection and trail clearing tools.