Nominations went as follows: Fred Ellis President, Ron Loveday Vice President,
Mike Clark and Daren Wicks have been nominated for the position of Secretary/Treasurer. We will be voting on the Secretary/ Treasurer at the December 17th meeting. Good luck to both nominees.
Category Archives: Updates
Weyerhaeuser Environmental Flash
Weyerhaeuser is committed to the principles of sustainable forestry. We also expect our recreational lease customers to join us in protecting water quality and minimizing soil erosion. Please read on to help keep your club from inadvertently causing damage that may result in financial penalties or lease cancellation.
- Weyerhaeuser must approve bulldozers or other large equipment before entering the property.
- We often spread logging debris across erodible soil – do not attempt to remove logging debris without Weyerhaeuser’s permission.
- Water bars help maintain roads; do not remove water bars or attempt any road repairs or maintenance without contacting Weyerhaeuser.
For more information
Weyerhaeuser is Spraying

No More Cards
ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! We will only be sending post cards every 3 months or when really important information needs to get out to the members. Highly encourage everyone to check our web site for messages. Our club meetings are 6:00 every 3rd Tuesday of the month at the club house. I will be posting any new and important information on our web site. If anyone has any questions feel free to call me. Thanks Hal Larkin Secretary/Treasurer LCWF
April Notes
Our next Club meeting is Tues. 18 APR. at 6:00 pm.
This is the last meeting until 15 August.
Work days: 22 Apr., 19 Aug., 23 Sept.
Rabbit hunting has gone back to the way it has been for years. Rabbit hunting is allowed on the
north end anytime during rabbit season. Rabbit hunting is not allowed on any other properties
during deer season. Members packages are at the club house. Please go by and get them.
See you at the Meeting.
Please wear your badge at the meeting.
LCWF Homepage –
E-Mail: [email protected]
January Notes
Our next Club meetings are Tues. 17 Jan. 21 Feb., 21 Mar. at 6:00 pm. Dues will be $450 and $225 for those 70-up with 5 consecutive years in the club. Payments will be accepted now and Due no later than 21 Feb. No-workday fee is $50 Please go to camp house and pick up your Badges and put Vehicle sticker in your vehicle, in plain sight!
The new Sec/Treas. is Hal Larkin, effective 1 Feb.
See you at the Meeting.
New Application Form
Go to the Library section to download the new member application form.
Rabbit Hunting Update
During deer season rabbit hunting is permitted on the entire club Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Rabbit hunting during non deer seasons is permitted all week long on the entire club. .As usual orange vests must be worn.
Here is a link to the 2022 – 2023 hunting seasons.
Next workday will be October 22.
Badges Ready for Pickup
Badges are available now at the camp house. Come and get em.
January Notes
Our next Club meetings are Tues. 18 Jan., 15 Feb. and 15 Mar. at 6:00 pm at the Camp House.
The only nominations at the Nov.-Dec. meetings were for the current Officers. No vote required, current officers remain in office. Thanks for your continued support of us.
The Pines North of Stinson Creek
inside the gate 2-weigh-in station area are scheduled for thin cutting. Weyerhaeuser is not responsible for any damage. Remove what you can. See maps at camphouse.
Dues will be $450 or $225 for those over 70 with 5 consecutive year’s membership. Dues must be paid by the end of the 15 Feb. 2022 meeting or membership will be terminated. You should know if you have workday credit. Please contact me for verification. The No-workday fee is $50.
Please go to our website each month for club info.
See you at the Meeting.
Please wear your badge at the meeting.
LCWF Homepage:
Email [email protected]