Election Updates and Dues Reminder

Ron Loveday was voted as the Vice President at the December meeting. Reminder our next club meeting is 16 January 6:00 pm at the camp house. Also we are excepting dues for next year. All dues must be paid by the February meeting on 20 February 6:00 pm at the camp house. February is also the meeting we review rules and accept motions for any changes with the vote at the march meeting.

April Notes

Our next Club meeting is Tues. 18 APR. at 6:00 pm.
This is the last meeting until 15 August.
Work days: 22 Apr., 19 Aug., 23 Sept.
Rabbit hunting has gone back to the way it has been for years. Rabbit hunting is allowed on the
north end anytime during rabbit season. Rabbit hunting is not allowed on any other properties
during deer season. Members packages are at the club house. Please go by and get them.
See you at the Meeting.
Please wear your badge at the meeting.
LCWF Homepage – lowndescountywildlifefederation.com
E-Mail: [email protected]

January Notes

Our next Club meetings are Tues. 17 Jan. 21 Feb., 21 Mar. at 6:00 pm. Dues will be $450 and $225 for those 70-up with 5 consecutive years in the club. Payments will be accepted now and Due no later than 21 Feb. No-workday fee is $50 Please go to camp house and pick up your Badges and put Vehicle sticker in your vehicle, in plain sight!

The new Sec/Treas. is Hal Larkin, effective 1 Feb.
See you at the Meeting.

November Meeting

During the November meeting nominations were held. Nominated were:

Fred Ellis for President
Ron Loveday for V. President
Hall Larkin for Secretary Treasurer
 Nominations will be accepted at  Dec. meeting and the Voting for Officers will be held.

Club Meetings Early 2022

Our next Club meetings are Tues. 16 Nov. and 21 Dec. and 18 Jan. at 6:00 pm at the Camp House.
Nominations of Officers will be accepted at the Nov. & Dec. meetings. Elections will be held at the Dec. meeting. Dues needed to go up due to increases in lease contracts. Dues will be $450 or $225 for those over 70 with 5 consecutive year’s membership. Dues must be paid by the end of the Feb. 2022 meeting or membership will be terminated. I will start accepting payments Jan 2022. If you are unsure if you have workday credit, please contact me for verification. No-workday fee is $50. Please go to our website each month for club info. Please pick up your badges at the camp house.
See you at the Meeting.
Please wear your badge at the meeting.
LCWF Homepage: http://lowndescountywildlifefederation.com
New E-Mail: [email protected]

August Club Meeting

Club meeting was tonight. The next three Saturdays following the meetings at 8:00 AM at the clubhouse will be workdays. We will try to repair the shooting range railroad ties this Saturday, 21 August. Club members with pole saws are needed to help clears club roadways. A couple of members with lawn mowers and weed whackers are needed to cut all around, under the club house, porch and steps to at least three feet. contact a board member for coordination. If you don’t have a work day recorded yet call a board member for suggestions.

Board members are: Fred Ellis President, Ron Loveday Vice President, Chap Browne Secretary/Treasurer, Chuck Petty Board Member, Eddie Pennington Board Member. You can find their phone numbers in your roster.

Looks like club dues will have to increase to $450 the next time. This is because of increased lease cost  passed to us. The board will enforce work day participation. Failure to work at least one day and get it recorded by a board member will cost you an additional $50 due at the dues payment date.

The club recently acquired 40 acres of 16th section land in the Steens area. The lease should be finalized within the next few days.

The bulletin board area is available for buying / selling. This is the time to sell your unwanted hunting gear and buy somebody’s else’s unneeded gear. Services performed are welcome also provided they are hunting, fishing or shooting related.

Next meeting will be 21 September and 19 October. As always the third Tuesday of the month , located at the clubhouse at 6:00 PM. Wear your badges. Masks are optional.

February Meeting Rescheduled


Dues deadline has also been moved 23Feb.Please contact me if you are leaving the club.Our next Club meetings are Tues. 23 Feb, 16 Mar. and 20 Apr. at 6:00 pm at the Camp House. Masks will be required at all meetings! Dues will be $400 or $200 for those over 70 with 5 consecutive year’s membership.Dues will still be accepted by mail due to Covid and must be postmarked by 23Feb. 2021.No-workday fee is $50. Due to weather I will be accepting dues at my house if the check or cash is placed in an envelope with your name and club number written on it. Use discretion if road travel is icy. Be Safe. Please go to our website each month for club info.See you at the Meeting.


Please wear your badge at the meeting.

LCWF Homepage: http://lowndescountywildlifefederation.com E-Mail:[email protected]

Rule Change and More

The Board has discussed changing the rule for marking stands. The proposal is to have each member place a metal placard in a easily observable place on your stand with name and club number using paint, stickers or engraved. These placards need to be maintained readable as long as you have the stand.  This will no longer require an annual date marking. Please give me your opinion:  [email protected] or 662 769 9192.

There will be no meetings until the state allows large gatherings. Meetings will be announced by post cards and posted to this site.

We encourage members to find something on the club that needs done to earn work day credit. There are a number of downed trees and roads with overhanging branches that need to be cut. Those with access to tractors can bush-hog roads and trails for credit too. Text, call, or email me know when you’re done so I can document it. [email protected] or 662 769 9192.