MSDWF Has extended this year deer season until February 2nd. So this means no small game hunting until 3 February.
MSDWF Has extended this year deer season until February 2nd. So this means no small game hunting until 3 February.
Tonight was our monthly meeting. The topics discussed were:
Our finances are $1900 dollars over estimated allowances.
Rabbit hunters have been hunting on Cooper’s land. Their dogs are crossing unto their land. Nathan Self has made complaints to the board.
Work day on the 25th. We are cleaning up the back roads. Also repairing the hole in the back closet flooring. It has become a safety issue.
Nov 6 at 0900 at the Columbus Police station there is a veteran parade. Marching concludes with a 1100 ceremony at he courthouse. All veterans and widows are welcome to march.
Don’t shoot the gators in the ponds. It takes a special license and season to do so.
Turky hunters must abide by the following.
Obtain a hunting license (unless exempt) and harvest record. Two types of harvest records are acceptable, a digital record or a printed form. Digital record keeping may be done through the Game Check feature found within the free MDWFP app. Register in the app and it will be your official harvest record. If you prefer a printed form, the form below will suffice.
The reporting process must begin BEFORE you move the turkey from its harvest location. Using the Game Check feature, click the REPORT TURKEY button and complete and submit an entry. If there is no cellular coverage where you hunt, the app will automatically upload your harvest when coverage resumes. Using the printed form method, notch the corresponding month bubbles.
Using the Game Check feature, you have no additional requirements. Using the printed form, you must report the harvest through the MDWFP website or by calling 1-800-BE-SMART before 10 p.m. on the day of harvest.
1. MDWFP app
2. Online at
3. Call 1-800-BE-SMART
Once you complete the harvest-reporting process, you will receive a confirmation number. This number must be documented on the harvest record.
Head over to the library section to view and download the 2021/22 rules.
Please do not broadcast corn or other grains during Turkey season. Turkey hunters travel all around the club looking for turkeys. If they get caught hunting over a field that has corn and were unaware it was there it could ruin their season!
It is illegal in Mississippi to hunt any wild animal or bird with the aid of bait. (
Our next meetings are Tuesday 20 Nov. and 18 Dec. at 7 pm. We will be accepting nominations for Club Officers for 2019. There will be food served at the November meeting. State rules for feeders have changed. You may set a feeder at any distance from your stand. Feeders must be 100 yards away from any property lines. Dues for 19/20 will be $400, or $200 for those over 70 with 5 consecutive year’s membership. There is a $50 work day fee if you have not done a work day. Out of area members are bound by this fee also. The secretary, Chap Browne, will start accepting dues in January.
The new 2019 rules are in the library section.
October 1 marked the beginning of the 2018 / 2019 deer season. It started with Archery only until November 16. Remember it’s either sex during Archery season. Size and limits are the club size and limits. You can head over to the Library tab to download that and more.
Reminder that the shooting range is only open from 10:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon.
MDWFP has announced a change in supplemental feeding rules. The club will abide by the State rules regarding supplemental feeding.
Look in the links section for the link to the supplemental feeding regulation.