The Board has discussed changing the rule for marking stands. The proposal is to have each member place a metal placard in a easily observable place on your stand with name and club number using paint, stickers or engraved. These placards need to be maintained readable as long as you have the stand. This will no longer require an annual date marking. Please give me your opinion: [email protected] or 662 769 9192.
There will be no meetings until the state allows large gatherings. Meetings will be announced by post cards and posted to this site.
We encourage members to find something on the club that needs done to earn work day credit. There are a number of downed trees and roads with overhanging branches that need to be cut. Those with access to tractors can bush-hog roads and trails for credit too. Text, call, or email me know when you’re done so I can document it. [email protected] or 662 769 9192.