Happy New Year

Our next Club meetings are Tues. 19 Jan, 16 Feb, and 16 Mar. at 6:00 pm at the Camp House. Masks will be required at all meetings! Nominations of Officers were accepted at the Nov. & Dec. meetings. The only nominations were for the current
Officers. Thank you all again for allowing us to lead this great sportsman club. Dues will be $400 or $200 for those over 70 with 5 consecutive year’s membership. Dues will only be accepted BY MAIL due to Covid and must be postmarked by 16 Feb.Use return address on this card. I will start depositing checks after the 4th of Jan.2021.

If you don’t have work day credit, call a board member for suggestions or pick up trash on club roads. Please text or call me to log in credit. No-workday fee is $50 Please go to our website each month for club info.
See you at the Meeting. Chap
Please wear your badge at the meeting.
LCWF Homepage: http://lowndescountywildlifefederation.com

E-Mail: lcwf@cableone.net

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