New Rules: 1. Small game hunting is allowed on all LCWF land except during any gun deer season. 2. To be nominated for an elected office the member must have 5 current consecutive years as a member. 3. 4 total deer are allowed not to exceed 2 bucks 6 point or better. example 2 doe 2 bucks 6 point or better, 4 doe only, 3 doe and 1 buck 6 point or better.
Author Archives: OD
Membership Dues
Our next 3 Club meetings are Tues. 20 Feb, 19 Mar, 16 Apr 6:00 pm. At the camp house.
ATTENTION: Membership Dues are due by the end of the February meeting.
You can contact me if you want to swing by the house and pay your dues earlier.
Rules review will be done at the February meeting. Please bring your copy of the rules. Any motions for rule changes will be voted on during the March meeting.
Dues $500 if you did not do a work day. $450 if you did a work day.
Over 70 with 5 consecutive years as a member $250 if you did not do a work day $225 if you did a work day.
Meeting Change
ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! Club meeting for this Tuesday has been cancelled and changed to Tuesday the 23rd 6:00 pm at the camp house. Please help spread the word. Thanks Hal
Election Updates and Dues Reminder
Ron Loveday was voted as the Vice President at the December meeting. Reminder our next club meeting is 16 January 6:00 pm at the camp house. Also we are excepting dues for next year. All dues must be paid by the February meeting on 20 February 6:00 pm at the camp house. February is also the meeting we review rules and accept motions for any changes with the vote at the march meeting.
Weyerhaeuser is Spraying
No More Cards
ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! We will only be sending post cards every 3 months or when really important information needs to get out to the members. Highly encourage everyone to check our web site for messages. Our club meetings are 6:00 every 3rd Tuesday of the month at the club house. I will be posting any new and important information on our web site. If anyone has any questions feel free to call me. Thanks Hal Larkin Secretary/Treasurer LCWF
Next Meeting
Grab Your Badges
There’s still 80 membership packages at the club house waiting to be picked up.
More Lost Land
We lost all of Lone Oak land (yellow creek). Anyone that has stands there need to get them out within 2 months
Lost Prevost Land off HWY 82
We lost all of the land off of highway 82. It’s the land that has a fishing pond on it. Prevost Land.