5 Alive Initiative

As promised, below is the first safety poster from our new 5 Alive Safety initiative.  It is our hope that you will read, commit to and share its message regarding safety while driving and riding.  If poster is not showing, you may have to right click to download the image.

Hazards come in many forms when driving to, from and within your lease.  Most people understand the common hazards associated with everyday driving.  However, when transitioning to off-highway, regardless of vehicle type, additional factors must be considered to ensure that we do not overlook different hazards.

ATVs and UTVs are essential tools for hunting and navigating your lease effectively. While these vehicles come with numerous safety features, it is absolutely critical to adhere to the established guidelines.

The data from 2023 reveals a troubling reality: a staggering number of off-highway vehicle accidents led to fatalities, particularly among children aged 15 and younger. This statistic highlights the urgent need for heightened awareness and responsibility.

As we move into the new year, it is imperative that we make our hunting trips memorable for all the right reasons, rather than for tragic incidents. We must prioritize safety to prevent off-highway vehicle tragedies, especially concerning our young riders. Responsible riding is non-negotiable. This includes staying sober, maintaining a speed appropriate for conditions, and wearing protective gear at all times. Together, let’s commit to making every outing a safe and enjoyable experience!

Weyerhaeuser Environmental Flash

Weyerhaeuser is committed to the principles of sustainable forestry. We also expect our recreational lease customers to join us in protecting water quality and minimizing soil erosion.  Please read on to help keep your club from inadvertently causing damage that may result in financial penalties or lease cancellation.


  • Weyerhaeuser must approve bulldozers or other large equipment before entering the property.
  • We often spread logging debris across erodible soil – do not attempt to remove logging debris without Weyerhaeuser’s permission.
  • Water bars help maintain roads; do not remove water bars or attempt any road repairs or maintenance without contacting Weyerhaeuser.

For more information



New Logging

IMPORTANT!!! Cutting will begin by the end of this week around the 14th or 15th of November by Weyerhaeuser. It is the land past Dwayne Hayes where the pavement ends and goes almost to the river. They ask for everyone to remove tripods, feeders, cameras, and ladder stands. Shooting houses should be ok. If you know anyone that hunts there please call them and let them know.

Weyerhaeuser land on 373

ATTENTION!!! The 146 acre Weyerhaeuser land on 373 is up for sale. No buyers yet and could be up for sale for years. Just keep this in mind if you hunt there.
Our next 3 club meeting will be 19 November, 17 December,
21 January 6:00pm at the camp house. We will be accepting nominations for President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer at the November meeting. Vote at the December meeting. Harold Larkin will “NOT” be running for Secretary/Treasurer.


Our next club meeting is 19 November 6:00pm at the camp house.  We will be accepting nominations for President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasure.  Hal Larkin announces he will “NOT”  be running for Secretary/Treasurer.  See you at the meeting.

The sign says STOP!

We are launching a new practice to improve driving safety around logging operations.  You may begin to encounter these signs on your lease, and here’s what you need to know.

WHY STOP?  This is a busy job site with log trucks, moving equipment, and workers

What steps should I take?

  • STOP
  • Be patient
  • Do not proceed until operator waves you through
  • Maintain a slow speed; use headlights
  • Use alternate route if one exists

Guidance around Active Operations

  • Always yield the right-of-way to logging trucks whether in a vehicle or an ATV.
  • When on the ground (outside vehicles), do not enter within the 300 foot buffer to hunt.  Do not discharge a firearm into the 300-foot buffer.
  • Never touch or climb onto any forestry equipment.
  • Keep an eye out for machines entering the roadway.
  • Always stay at least 100′ away from log piles and parked / loaded trailers.
  • While logging activity is ongoing, all club members and guests must wear high visibility clothing whenever outside an enclosed vehicle.



Weyerhaeuser Company

1071 Mary Magnan Blvd. Madison, GA 30650

Gate 21 Loosing Land

Inside gate 21 we are losing 100 acres because the land owner will be clearing the woods and then graveling it. I will post a map on the site of the affected area. If you have a stand in that area you will need to remove it. Horrible news but beyond our control. More to come.

Land inside of gate 21. We are loosing land. Please remove stands.