There’s still 80 membership packages at the club house waiting to be picked up.
Category Archives: Announcement
April Notes
Our next Club meeting is Tues. 18 APR. at 6:00 pm.
This is the last meeting until 15 August.
Work days: 22 Apr., 19 Aug., 23 Sept.
Rabbit hunting has gone back to the way it has been for years. Rabbit hunting is allowed on the
north end anytime during rabbit season. Rabbit hunting is not allowed on any other properties
during deer season. Members packages are at the club house. Please go by and get them.
See you at the Meeting.
Please wear your badge at the meeting.
LCWF Homepage –
E-Mail: [email protected]
Big Buck Youth
Spencer Ward is the youth winner of the big buck contest. He is the son of Kevin Ward, member of LCWF. Not only is he a good hunter but plays tennis for Heritage Academy.
I received an email to me via the webpage contact page. This is a contact page that sends a message that I check on. I will forward it to a board member if I can’t answer it. Just to point it out to everyone, I am not a board officer. I only maintain the webpage. I am just a member like everyone else.
The bulletin board section is a place where you can buy and sell things. You can also make comments to everyone. If you need to sell something, send me a message I will ask you for photos and make a post for you.
If you have anything important to address the general membership, Send it to me via the contact page and I will add a formatted post to the front page, with your name signing it.
January Notes
Our next Club meetings are Tues. 17 Jan. 21 Feb., 21 Mar. at 6:00 pm. Dues will be $450 and $225 for those 70-up with 5 consecutive years in the club. Payments will be accepted now and Due no later than 21 Feb. No-workday fee is $50 Please go to camp house and pick up your Badges and put Vehicle sticker in your vehicle, in plain sight!
The new Sec/Treas. is Hal Larkin, effective 1 Feb.
See you at the Meeting.
November Meeting
During the November meeting nominations were held. Nominated were:
New Application Form
Go to the Library section to download the new member application form.
2022 Nominations
Our next Club meetings are Tues. 18 Oct., 15 Nov., 20 Dec. at 6:00 pm. Our last scheduled Work day is 22 Oct. November and December we will be accepting nominations for Club Officers. I will not be running for Sec/Treas. this year. The position will be open for nominations. Please go to camp house and pick up your Badges and put Vehicle sticker in your vehicle, in plain sight!
See you at the Meeting.
Please wear your badge at the meeting.
LCWF Homepage –
E-Mail: [email protected]
Rabbit Hunting Update
During deer season rabbit hunting is permitted on the entire club Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Rabbit hunting during non deer seasons is permitted all week long on the entire club. .As usual orange vests must be worn.
Here is a link to the 2022 – 2023 hunting seasons.
Next workday will be October 22.
Badges Ready for Pickup
Badges are available now at the camp house. Come and get em.