Meetings are held the THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, August thru April, 6:00 P.M.
To obtain a membership application click on the link below. You or one of the sponsoring members must return this application to:
34 Barnhill Dr
Columbus, MS 30702
on or before the February meeting. (completed applications may be given to a Board Member prior to that time)
The number of memberships for a given year are based on the number vacancies made available. At the end of February membership renewals are counted. Non renewals result in the vacancies available for that year. The following priority is used to determine new members.
- Children of existing members turning 18, or 24 if attending college.
- Previous members that left in good standing.
- The remaining applications are voted on by the board to fill the remaining vacancies for the year.
Download the 2024 RULES
Lowndes County Wildlife Federation
- The Board of Directors of the Lowndes County Wildlife Federation will administer all rules.
- Members shall obey all Federal and State Game and Fish Laws as well as LCWF rules.
- Members will at all times conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and will not intentionally misrepresent themselves or any of their actions while on LCWF properties.
- Contact with landowners, their agents or guests while on LCWF holdings should be reported to the Board for informational purposes. Show courtesy to these individuals. DO NOT GET CONFRONTATIONAL WITH LAND OWNERS.
- Members should never contact any owner of club leases without discussing with the board first. In doing so could result in the member being terminated.
The board is determined to run the club as a recreational group and not as a business. If you see a problem, or make a mistake, tell someone and it will be fairly dealt with. We are only human, and deserves a fair shake. Repeated and severe infractions will be seriously dealt with. This is your club and you need to serve as a watchman for its health and welfare. Let’s all have a good time and enjoy the great outdoors. Be sure to ask a Board Member if you have questions about any of the guidelines below.
1. Immediate family members are defined as “Spouse, College students and minor Children or Grandchildren 15yrs or under” and are seen as “a part of” the member and not regarded as guests.
- Members and guests shall wear badges that are placed in a visible location on clothing.
- A Club decal or a note with member’s number must be affixed to and/or visible on any vehicle used by members or guests on LCWF land.
- A list of members including badge numbers and phone numbers will be supplied to each member
- A guest is defined as anyone who is not an immediate family member.
- Members may only have 1 guest per day when hunting EXCEPT THAT 2 guests are allowed when fishing or rabbit, squirrel, duck, or varmint hunting.
- Members must accompany guests and are responsible for the safety and all actions of their guests.
- Family under 18 and guests must be accompanied by the member and remain within proximity of the member.
- Members must “sign in” guests at the beginning of each visit to the club property. The sign-in forms are located at all LCWF Weigh-in Stations. Use a regular piece of paper if the forms are missing, and put the date, your name, the guest’s name, and have the guest sign it.
- No guests are allowed on opening day of any hunting season
- A fishing member and guest(s) may only take a limit equal to that of the member alone.
- A guest is entitled to one deer per hunting season and the deer harvested by the guest will be counted against the annual deer allocation of the member.
- A guest is entitled to one turkey per hunting season and the turkey harvested by the guest will be counted against the annual turkey allocation of the member.
State and Federal game and fish laws except as amended below govern fishing in our leased ponds:
- No trotlines, set hooks, etc. are allowed.
- Jug fishing is allowed on club with a limit of 12 jugs per member. (Badge number must be on jugs.)
- Use caution when questioning non-members at the lakes, as they may be guests of landowners.
- Size limit for keeping Crappie is 9” and for Bass is 14”. The catch limit is 30 Crappie, 10 Bass, 10 Catfish, and 50 Bream. See GUEST HUNTING AND FISHING GAME LIMITS #1 above.
- Member Name and Badge Number must identify all stands to include Box, Ladder, Ground Blind or Unattended Climber. To ensure visibility, stand “area saving” placards will be marked the same as a stand, be at least 12” X 6” and written in Hi-Vis colors. Flagging tape should be tied to the placard or the tree the placard is mounted on.
- Stands must be 100 yards from each other in woods, 300 yards in open.
- No deer stands will be built after the end of September unless approved by the Board.
- NO CUTTING OF TREES TO CREATE FOOD PLOTS. Food Plots must be in by the end of September each year unless more time is approved by the board due to weather and such. After September food plots can only be worked on from 10:00am-2:00pm.
- Each member will have the privilege of having up to three permanent stands not to exceed 2 in any county. They may be locked.
- Members are responsible for maintenance and upkeep of stands so they are safe to use.
- A member has first priority to their stands and it’s radius at any time.
- Members are required to obtain permission prior to using another member’s stand.
- Guests must use inviting member’s stand unless permission has been obtained from other members.
- Members, who have stands on a road or path, must allow other members access by their stand at any time. Members should use good judgment and be responsible sportsman when passing occupied stands.
- Members leaving the club have 30 days to remove or sell their stands. An extension may be granted by the club President. After 30 days any and all claims to a stand are forfeited. Access to club land for removal within the 30 days must be coordinated with club Secretary.
- Members are ordinarily expected to park outside gates or within view inside gates. DO NOT DRIVE AROUND GATES OR FENCES.
- Members will be provided a key for gates. DO NOT DUPLICATE THIS KEY.
- An LCWF key is not transferable to anyone and is subject to recall by the LCWF Board.
- Members are responsible for closing and locking the gates (both in and out) and reporting violations or problems (gates left unlocked, bypassing gates, non-functioning gates or signs).
- All roads leased to LCWF are open to member vehicle traffic except during Hunting Seasons. Keep vehicles and ATVs off green fields, food plots, and other easily rutted areas.
- No vehicles of any type are allowed on wet roads if rutting may result.
- During deer and turkey hunting seasons, the shooting hours at the range are 10am to 2 pm.
- Be certain the range and areas surrounding range are clear before using the range.
- The warning flag by the gate must be raised while shooting and lowered when leaving the range.
- SAFETY FIRST is the rule! Unsafe shooting activities of any kind are not permitted. Our range area is not an adequate configuration for combat or tactical shooting/training. For the safety of those on the range and members using the surrounding area, this practice is not allowed.
- All guns on the range are regarded as LOADED.
- “Sighting in” of weapons will be at the Shooting range only.
- Be courteous to other members. A 30-minute time limit is allotted for member/family and guests to use the range when others are waiting. Rapidly do your setup and shooting and get done in a timely manner.
- Only 1 guest per member may use the shooting range at one time, UNLESS CLEARED BY THE BOARD. Guests must sign in prior to shooting. Shooting groups may be allowed if proper supervision is supplied and if the group is cleared by the Board.
- No person(s) are allowed to be on the range any closer to targets than the shooting rest in use.
- Shoot only at the crossties/targets in front of the sand pile area. No targets will be placed above crossties. Do not shoot at vertical uprights supporting the ties or sand pile. Do not shoot in any direction other that at the sand pile target area.
- Shooting vertical uprights is prohibited!!! First offense will result in a $50 fine. Second offense $100 fine. Third offense will result in termination as a member and there is no refund on dues.
- Keep the Range Clean! The member is responsible for picking up cases of ALL calibers, trash, targets and disposal of them.
- Bucks must be 6 POINTS OR BETTER. Do Not Cull genetics with less than 6 points!
- Club harvest limits are set by the Board. The current limit is 4 deer not to exceed 2 Bucks. Example: 2 doe and 2 buck, 3 doe and 1 buck, 4 doe only no buck. Unless changed by the Board.
- Members harvesting a deer/turkey have 24 hours to log their deer/turkey in at a login station.
- Youth (15 yrs. or younger) may take State legal Bucks or State legal Turkey during the first 10 days of Youth Season and15-25th of December. The FIRST 10 days of Youth Season is the only time game will not be subtracted from the members limit.
- Shooting from a boat or toward/over any lake is prohibited except for water fowling in a safe manner. Rat shot for snakes is acceptable while fishing.
- Raccoon hunting on the club during deer season is restricted to Mon.-Thur. and last no later than 11 PM.
- Members who access Corp Land through LCWF land are subject to all LCWF Rules
- Hunting will cease on any LCWF land affected by flood conditions until water recedes.
- Members may squirrel/ rabbit hunt with or without dogs on any club property until beginning of deer gun season. All Club properties are open to small game hunting with or without dogs after deer gun season.
- Orange will be worn during all deer gun seasons including black powder regardless of game hunted.
- Anyone willfully damaging any Club/Member investment is subject to discipline from the Board.
- Feeder placement must follow State laws and be marked the same as your stand. Confirm it is a minimum of 100 yards from any property line. Corn or grains will not be spread by hand during any hunting season other than Deer
- Dues are half for members 70 years of age or above with 5 consecutive years as a member.
- A member must have 5 consecutive current years to be nominated for an elected position.
We try to schedule each year at least 3-4 Workdays on the Saturday following a meeting. There is a $50 work day fee if a member does not perform at least 1 work day by 30 Dec. Signing an attendance roster at scheduled workdays will be used as proof of a workday. Unscheduled workdays are permitted if coordinated with a Board member. Member must contact a Board member to get a signed receipt as proof of workday. The signed receipt will be required as proof of completion of an unscheduled workday. The workday fee applies to all members regardless of where you live. Fee payable when membership is renewed in February.
- Club members are responsible for knowing the rules and following sportsmanlike guidelines.
- Members must report anyone hunting or trespassing on the LCWF premises to the President or Board of Directors.
- If the club expels a member for violation of rules, no fees will be refunded.
- The LCWF President and Board of Directors will consider for discipline, any member activities which seem contrary to the rules and goals of the club.
- Rim-fire cartridges will not be used for deer hunting.
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