Tell us what's on your mind or if you have stuff to share.
30 thoughts on “User Thoughts”
We need everyone to check their members list and make sure your phone number is correct. We have a text app that we will be utilizing to ensure we can contact everyone in a moments notice.
More bad news, We lost the 70 acres of land off of Westbrook road. Anyone who hunts there and stands, feeders and such will have until 4 February to remove any property you have out there.
Made a mistake for members 70 and 5 consecutive years. Does are $225 if you did a work day. Here is the correction: Dues are $275 if you did not do a work day. Work days are $50 for everyone that did not do a work day. Sorry for the mistake..
Nominations went as follows: Fred Ellis President, Ron Loveday Vice President,
Mike Clark and Daren Wicks have been nominated for the position of Secretary/Treasurer. We will be voting on the Secretary/ Treasurer at the December 17th meeting. Good luck to both nominees.
IMPORTANT!!! Cutting will begin by the end of this week around the 14th or 15th of November by Weyerhaeuser. It is the land past Dwayne Hayes where the pavement ends and goes almost to the river. They ask for everyone to remove tripods, feeders, cameras, and ladder stands. Shooting houses should be ok. If you know anyone that hunts there please call them and let them know. Hate that it is happening now but there is nothing we can do about it.
ATTENTION!!! The 146 acre Weyerhaeuser land on 373 is up for sale. No buyers yet and could be up for sale for years. Just keep this in mind if you hunt there.
Our next 3 club meeting will be 19 November, 17 December,
21 January 6:00pm at the camp house. We will be accepting nominations for President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer at the November meeting. Vote at the December meeting. I will “NOT” be running for Secretary/Treasurer.
Our next club meeting is 19 November 6:00pm at the camp house. We will be accepting nominations for President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasure. I will “NOT” be running for Secretary/Treasurer. See you at the meeting.
Our member who lives by the gate at our Hwy 373 land has created a board with pin locations of the folks that hunt there for safety reasons. He has asked for the members to utilize this board so he can check and make sure everyone has made it out safely. Not a club rule but always nice to be safe.
Inside gate 21 we are losing 100 acres because the land owner will be clearing the woods and then graveling it. I will post a map on the site of the affected area. If you have a stand in that area you will need to remove it. Horrible news but beyond our control. More to come.
From the April meeting. Shooting Range change. Shooting vertical uprights is prohibited!!! First offense will result in a $50 fine. Second offense $100 fine. Third offense will result in termination as a member and there is no refund on dues.
Also a reminder that members are not allowed to contact any land owner concerning the club. Members are required to contact the board with any issues or concerns they have. Such actions will result in members termination. We almost lost/had restrictions placed on one of our leases because of this. Let’s be thankful and work together as a club.
New Rules: 1. Small game hunting is allowed on all LCWF land except during any gun deer season. 2. To be nominated for an elected office the member must have 5 current consecutive years as a member. 3. 4 total deer are allowed not to exceed 2 bucks 6 point or better. example 2 doe 2 bucks 6 point or better, 4 doe only, 3 doe and 1 buck 6 point or better.
ATTENTION!!! Cutting of any pine trees on any of our leased land is prohibited. We cannot create any food plots without approval. This can and will cause us to lose our lease. This is a very serious violation and will not be tolerated. The timber companies are cracking down on this hard. They are in the timber business and we are lucky to be able to lease their lands for hunting.
Would still like to see some gate numbers on all the gates that don’t have numbers on them or are too faded to read. Would like to be able to tell someone where I am at if something happens to me and need help.
Our next 3 Club meetings are Tues. 20 Feb, 19 Mar, 16 Apr 6:00 pm. At the camp house.
ATTENTION: Membership Dues are due by the end of the February meeting.
You can contact me if you want to swing by the house and pay your dues earlier.
Rules review will be done at the February meeting. Please bring your copy of the rules. Any motions for rule changes will be voted on during the March meeting.
Dues $500 if you did not do a work day. $450 if you did a work day.
Over 70 with 5 consecutive years as a member $250 if you did not do a work day $250 if you did a work day.
ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! Club meeting for this Tuesday has been cancelled and changed to Tuesday the 23rd 6:00 pm at the camp house. Please help spread the word. Thanks Hal
Ron Loveday was voted as the Vice President at the December meeting. Reminder our next club meeting is 16 January 6:00 pm at the camp house. Also we are excepting dues for next year. All dues must be paid by the February meeting on 20 February 6:00 pm at the camp house. February is also the meeting we review rules and accept motions for any changes with the vote at the march meeting.
Nominations from the November meeting went as follows:
President: Fred Ellis
Vice President: Ron Loveday and Bill Lewis
Sec/Treasurer: Hal Larkin
We will be voting on the Vice President position at the December meeting.
Thanks Hal
COME TO THE MEETINGS and if possible Read the rules and the constitution in detail if you have not. We seem to have the same 15 to 20 members at most meeting. The next few meetings officers will be nominated and elected. Rule changes, dues discussed and ideas. (affects all members). The statement was made you have no reason to complain about anything if you don’t come to the meetings. You may have a great idea or suggestion but its not talked about because you do not attend the meetings. Getting complaints about folks not abiding by the 10-2 agreement. Please, if you have something you need to do on the club do it between 10-2. Next meeting is Tuesday 21 Nov where we will be excepting nominations for President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer.
The title of page what’s on your mind , Here it goes COME TO THE MEETINGS if possible Read the rules and the constitution in detail if you have not. We seem to have the same 15 to 20 members at most meeting , if that many . The next few meetings officers will be elected , rule changes and dues discussed , it affects all members . The statement was made you have no reason to complain about anything if you don’t come to the meetings . I have the view, you ,may have a great idea or suggestion but its not talked about because you do not attend the meetings.
Board has approved planting through the month of October from 10 am to 2 pm due to lack of rain. Next meeting is October 19 at the camp house 6:00 pm and next work day is 23 October. Reminder nominations will be taken at the November meeting with voting at the December meeting.
Are we going to put up new signs on the gates indicating witch gate we are at? My wife and I went last week=end just to look at the different areas and there are several gates that are not marked.
We have lost 60 acres of the Prevost land off of highway 82. It is the land with the pond on it. Also our next club meeting is August 15, 2023 6:00 pm at the camp house.
ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! We will only be sending post cards every 3 months or when really important information needs to get out to the members. Highly encourage everyone to check our web site for messages. Our club meetings are 6:00 every 3rd Tuesday of the month at the club house. I will be posting any new and important information on our web site. If anyone has any questions feel free to call me. Thanks Hal Larkin Secretary/Treasurer LCWF
We need everyone to check their members list and make sure your phone number is correct. We have a text app that we will be utilizing to ensure we can contact everyone in a moments notice.
MSDWF Has extended this years deer season until February 2nd. So this means no small game hunting until 3 February.
More bad news, We lost the 70 acres of land off of Westbrook road. Anyone who hunts there and stands, feeders and such will have until 4 February to remove any property you have out there.
Made a mistake for members 70 and 5 consecutive years. Does are $225 if you did a work day. Here is the correction: Dues are $275 if you did not do a work day. Work days are $50 for everyone that did not do a work day. Sorry for the mistake..
Nominations went as follows: Fred Ellis President, Ron Loveday Vice President,
Mike Clark and Daren Wicks have been nominated for the position of Secretary/Treasurer. We will be voting on the Secretary/ Treasurer at the December 17th meeting. Good luck to both nominees.
IMPORTANT!!! Cutting will begin by the end of this week around the 14th or 15th of November by Weyerhaeuser. It is the land past Dwayne Hayes where the pavement ends and goes almost to the river. They ask for everyone to remove tripods, feeders, cameras, and ladder stands. Shooting houses should be ok. If you know anyone that hunts there please call them and let them know. Hate that it is happening now but there is nothing we can do about it.
ATTENTION!!! The 146 acre Weyerhaeuser land on 373 is up for sale. No buyers yet and could be up for sale for years. Just keep this in mind if you hunt there.
Our next 3 club meeting will be 19 November, 17 December,
21 January 6:00pm at the camp house. We will be accepting nominations for President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer at the November meeting. Vote at the December meeting. I will “NOT” be running for Secretary/Treasurer.
Our next club meeting is 19 November 6:00pm at the camp house. We will be accepting nominations for President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasure. I will “NOT” be running for Secretary/Treasurer. See you at the meeting.
In the next 6-8 weeks Weyerhaeuser will be herbicide spraying all of our properties.
Our member who lives by the gate at our Hwy 373 land has created a board with pin locations of the folks that hunt there for safety reasons. He has asked for the members to utilize this board so he can check and make sure everyone has made it out safely. Not a club rule but always nice to be safe.
Thanks Hal,
Inside gate 21 we are losing 100 acres because the land owner will be clearing the woods and then graveling it. I will post a map on the site of the affected area. If you have a stand in that area you will need to remove it. Horrible news but beyond our control. More to come.
From the April meeting. Shooting Range change. Shooting vertical uprights is prohibited!!! First offense will result in a $50 fine. Second offense $100 fine. Third offense will result in termination as a member and there is no refund on dues.
Also a reminder that members are not allowed to contact any land owner concerning the club. Members are required to contact the board with any issues or concerns they have. Such actions will result in members termination. We almost lost/had restrictions placed on one of our leases because of this. Let’s be thankful and work together as a club.
New Rules: 1. Small game hunting is allowed on all LCWF land except during any gun deer season. 2. To be nominated for an elected office the member must have 5 current consecutive years as a member. 3. 4 total deer are allowed not to exceed 2 bucks 6 point or better. example 2 doe 2 bucks 6 point or better, 4 doe only, 3 doe and 1 buck 6 point or better.
ATTENTION!!! Cutting of any pine trees on any of our leased land is prohibited. We cannot create any food plots without approval. This can and will cause us to lose our lease. This is a very serious violation and will not be tolerated. The timber companies are cracking down on this hard. They are in the timber business and we are lucky to be able to lease their lands for hunting.
Would still like to see some gate numbers on all the gates that don’t have numbers on them or are too faded to read. Would like to be able to tell someone where I am at if something happens to me and need help.
We are working on it
OOPS!!! If over 70 and you did do a work day dues are $225.
Over 70 with 5 current consecutive years as a member.
Our next 3 Club meetings are Tues. 20 Feb, 19 Mar, 16 Apr 6:00 pm. At the camp house.
ATTENTION: Membership Dues are due by the end of the February meeting.
You can contact me if you want to swing by the house and pay your dues earlier.
Rules review will be done at the February meeting. Please bring your copy of the rules. Any motions for rule changes will be voted on during the March meeting.
Dues $500 if you did not do a work day. $450 if you did a work day.
Over 70 with 5 consecutive years as a member $250 if you did not do a work day $250 if you did a work day.
ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! Club meeting for this Tuesday has been cancelled and changed to Tuesday the 23rd 6:00 pm at the camp house. Please help spread the word. Thanks Hal
Ron Loveday was voted as the Vice President at the December meeting. Reminder our next club meeting is 16 January 6:00 pm at the camp house. Also we are excepting dues for next year. All dues must be paid by the February meeting on 20 February 6:00 pm at the camp house. February is also the meeting we review rules and accept motions for any changes with the vote at the march meeting.
Nominations from the November meeting went as follows:
President: Fred Ellis
Vice President: Ron Loveday and Bill Lewis
Sec/Treasurer: Hal Larkin
We will be voting on the Vice President position at the December meeting.
Thanks Hal
COME TO THE MEETINGS and if possible Read the rules and the constitution in detail if you have not. We seem to have the same 15 to 20 members at most meeting. The next few meetings officers will be nominated and elected. Rule changes, dues discussed and ideas. (affects all members). The statement was made you have no reason to complain about anything if you don’t come to the meetings. You may have a great idea or suggestion but its not talked about because you do not attend the meetings. Getting complaints about folks not abiding by the 10-2 agreement. Please, if you have something you need to do on the club do it between 10-2. Next meeting is Tuesday 21 Nov where we will be excepting nominations for President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer.
The title of page what’s on your mind , Here it goes COME TO THE MEETINGS if possible Read the rules and the constitution in detail if you have not. We seem to have the same 15 to 20 members at most meeting , if that many . The next few meetings officers will be elected , rule changes and dues discussed , it affects all members . The statement was made you have no reason to complain about anything if you don’t come to the meetings . I have the view, you ,may have a great idea or suggestion but its not talked about because you do not attend the meetings.
Board has approved planting through the month of October from 10 am to 2 pm due to lack of rain. Next meeting is October 19 at the camp house 6:00 pm and next work day is 23 October. Reminder nominations will be taken at the November meeting with voting at the December meeting.
Vern wrote on April 18, 2023
Are we going to put up new signs on the gates indicating witch gate we are at? My wife and I went last week=end just to look at the different areas and there are several gates that are not marked.
We have lost 60 acres of the Prevost land off of highway 82. It is the land with the pond on it. Also our next club meeting is August 15, 2023 6:00 pm at the camp house.
ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! We will only be sending post cards every 3 months or when really important information needs to get out to the members. Highly encourage everyone to check our web site for messages. Our club meetings are 6:00 every 3rd Tuesday of the month at the club house. I will be posting any new and important information on our web site. If anyone has any questions feel free to call me. Thanks Hal Larkin Secretary/Treasurer LCWF
Reminder upcoming meeting is 19 September 6:00 pm at the camp house. See you there, Hal